Sunday, November 17, 2013

Discouragement and Puddleglum

At church, I could not shake this heavy, sweet song floating all around me. The words pointless, hopeless,  and weary were like pieces of candy desperately wanted to swallow. 

When I got home, God put, what else, Narnia in my head. Stout- hearted but often gloomy Puddleglum has his finest hour in the midst of a beautiful, deadly woman singing another heavy, sweet song of discouragement. Arguing with her had only deepened the disarming magic. So puddleglum broke the spell by putting his foot in the fire to get the smell out of his head. Then he starts praising Aslan, despite all his bluesy thoughts. 

I think I just got a lesson in spiritual warfare from one of Narnia's best-loved characters. When satan throws despair, do what you have to break the spell, don't argue with him and praise God anyway. 

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