Sunday, September 23, 2012


I suppose you are predictable though not boring. I suppose you can show up for me like you showed up in the stories I heard from nursery and children's church. I suppose learning about you is not like learning about other things. Because I study books and charts and rules to master something I would not have otherwise known. But studying your history does not make me a master of you because, clearly, you are subject to no one. I learn from your great deeds how to be a servant and what humility truly is. Though the details of stories change, you do not. For instance, I am not David, so I doubt you will help me defeat a giant who insults your people. I am not Esther, so I don't think you will have me marry a king to save a nation from destruction. But I am me. I am here on this earth when the great faith-doers of old are here no more. So you must have deeds, great deeds, for me, too. You must have wonderful acts of faith waiting for me to perform because you were there in every 'then' and you are here in every 'now.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just reading this again. Sometimes the greatest deed is realizing you are important to those around you, and then caring for them. The rest will fall into place. I miss our email question and answer times. I may have had a bad attitude in some of my answers. Hopefully it didn't discourage you. ?